Monday, November 7, 2016

Do Your Best, and the Lord Will Do the Rest

This week was amazing!!! I am always amazed at how aware the Lord is of us personally and how aware he is of the people we are teaching. This week we spent Monday-Thursday in Lusaka so we only had 3 days in our area, but the Lord still worked miracles!!! 

First of all,

Learned so much and it was so fun to be gathered again with missioaries that I haven't seen in many months!!! 
here are some highlights.
 - the mission is trying to budget... so we ate a lot of cornflakes. 
 - Lilongwe zone got roasted and was the joke of the meeting because of miscommunication and we have been confirming our investigators at baptismal services... oops. But not phased. 
 - Got destroyed by mosquitos as usual. 
 - Sis kupu bought the lilongwe zone gelato. bde. 
 - Long chats with Sister Ratema, Kinikini, Newey, Bingham, Arok and many many more!! 
 - learned that we get to go down to Blantrye for a Chrismtas zone conference on the 2nd... which means i get to see all my recent converts down there:) biggest tender mercy ever. 
 - Got to go on exchanges with the sisters in lusaka. I got to go back to my old area Ngombe for a night and man it was great. All the people they are teaching i have never met because it was like 10 months ago, but I had to lead the area that day because the sister that I was with (Sister Newey) just got transferred there. So we went to go see some members I knew and it definitely made my week... especially a recent convert who was confirmed while i was there... when we called her she couldn't believe it was me and she came running from her house!!!! She was so excited and she has been going less-active recently but she promised to work with the missionaries!! attached is a picture:) 
 - exchanges in the woodlands area the next night. WE were with sister rice from canada and sister ntwe from south. They are white washing and still both new on mission (sister ntwe 4 months sister rice 1 month) We were able to discuss a lot about the blessings that come from white washing an area, and how we shouldn't look at it as a "hard thing" but a blessing!! I loved white washing because it allows you to own your area, and not live with other missonaries mistakes. 
 - all in all, learned so much. and as usual it left me more motivated to work even harder in the area. We have a big goal to turn the 4 districts in our mission into stakes in 5 years!! a big goal but it's possible if we continue to increase our baptisms... not just baptisms but those who will build the kingdom of God! 

Then when we land down in Lilongwe and turn our phone on... we had a long message from Paul saying something like this, 
" I read the history of Joseph Smith, and I know without a doubt that he is a true prophet. I know the Book of Mormon is true, and i'm ready to be baptized any day." 
it was much longer than that as usual, but amazing!!! He was interviewed on  Sunday and will be getting baptized this week. He is so excited and he is one that is completely prepared by the Lord. He even promised to finish all of Preach my Gospel and the Book of Mormon by the end of the month. 

Another miracle of the week was Brother Maurice. He has come to church teh past 2 weeks and this week during our lesson he asked the golden question, "How can I change?" It was really inspired, and you can tell that he really feels the spirit. He will be baptized on the 27th! 

Another miracle is Brother Abdul. He is the night guard at the church, and when we went to go teach him and his family this week he said that a less active member (more like an apostate member) has been discouraging him from learning. But he told us that he won't listen to someone who has left the church, but he'll follow what he knows is right. He even said how this week his wife couldn't come, but next week she will come so they can be baptized together as a family! 

One last miracle... but there was many. the Nzema family came to church after 3 months of being gone. They are a less-active family who he used to be in the branch presidency... but he bore testimony and he promised that he was back to stay. That he has no where else to go but this church... and he needs to raise his family in righteousness. Love it. 

All in all, 
I LOVE MISSIONARY WORK. Thank you all for being so supportive. This morning I was reading my journal from teh beginning of my mission and was overwhelmed with gratitude towards all teh people i have met and all the experiences i have had. 

Ndimakukonda kwam biri, 
Sister Thueson

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