Monday, May 30, 2016

Change Happens for a Reason

Hey ya'll!!! Goodo goodo week in the city of Ndola! Sister zohner had Malaria for half the week so we only really had time to see our recent converts and our progressing investigators

first off... transfer news!!! Sista Z is leaving to the promised land of Blantyre to be with Sister Bingham. awwwwe They're gonna do great there!!! My new companion will be Sister Ratema from South Africa and i'm really excited! She has been on mission just a little longer than me, and I've heard she is a great missionary!! She will get here probably on Wednesday! Lessss goooo

second... Elisha (technically spelled Erisha) got Baptized!!! it was so great and such a tender mercy of the Lord!!! He was there an hour early... but of course no one else was haha (zambian time bo) But it was all meant to be because his family was running late as well.... and the whole time while we were waiting i kept thinking "there is no way his family is coming..." but then the Tholes showed up, and Sister Mercy and then we were about to start the service when walking in the gate came Tina, and the 3 little girls all dressed up. Obviously I just start crying while playing the prelude music, and then of course Sister Thole who is just the best best best gets up to go greet her and sat by her. The baptism service went very well, and smoothly and then Elisha gave such a wonderful testimony! he thanked us missionaries (Sister Simpson and zohner.... he can't say my name to save his lfie) for always calling him and reminding him to do family prayer, and obviously thanked Brother Thole for all he has done, and then gave a sweet testimony about his conversion story. Tina was smiling ear to ear. 

Mpundu family: so we found out some pretty sad news this week. We were teaching just mercy and linda because brother mpundu was at work, and I was asking why their mom has been gone for so long... turns out they are getting separated:( They don't love each other, and I guess Brother Mpundu wasn't treating her that well... i dunno this is coming from a 15 year old girl, but mercy just broke down in tears telling us. Obviously I just start crying too, but I was just in complete shock. I'm praying really hard that Sister Mpundu will come back. 

Samba family: We took the district president and we taught the word of wisdom!!! they took it really good... brother Samba kept trying to make exceptions like that drinking a little bit of alcohol is good for you... But President Kapato set it all straight no worries. They still haven't come to church but i'm not losing faith. I know they're prepared and I know they have a testiomny... they are just trying to overcome social status concerns. ya know the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints isn't really a popular church in Ndola Zambia. But we're getting there:) 

funny story with Brother Samba... We ask them to pull out their Book of Mormons and he goes out to his car and pulls out the Restoration pamphlet... and we're like, "go to page 250" and he starts flipping through his pamphlet trying to find it... hahahahah his daughters and wife were just cracking up. 

Goodbyes: so sister zohner had to say goodbye to everyone... and our recent converts took it hard. Mercy and Linda just started crying during our last lesson, mercy couldn't even finish her prayer, and even during all of sacrament meeting after sister zohner bore her testimony. Same with Selina... she just started crying. it was so sad.... it's probably one of the hardest parts of missionary work.

Funny stories: 
1. At pick n pay we are now referred to as "regulars" and when we're not getting served fast, someone comes to serve us hahaha. 
2. Sista Zohner was sick for half the week, so we had some great bonding time in the flat haha, but we got to watch the old Johnny Lingo cause it has the church stamp on it. Ironic because it is all about bride price, and then during combined priesthood and relief society the lesson was about bride price and how the prophets have commanded not to do it anymore. 
3. Sister Violet made us lunch and yum yum yum rice and beans are the best. But we were talking, and I was asking her when her and Brother Nzima were getting married... they have been dating 3 years... and she said it will be next year, and then I asked her about the first kiss... I dunno girl talk, and they have only kissed ONCE for dating 3 years... I'm always going to use them as an example when I have to teach the Law of Chastity haha. 
oh but then after we were sooooo full and we go over to Elisha and Tinas and they feed us too!!!! 
oh wait it's not over... then we go over to Sister Mayeya's house and she feeds us too!!!! 
I almost barfed... but my poor companion was still recovering from Malaria... man she almost barfed. 
4. We were teaching Miriam who is the smartest 11 year old on the planet... and we were teaching plan of salvation and she asked why some of us are white and some black... and then she told us that she had heard that when God created us he bathed us first... and he bathed white people first and then the reason why africans are darker are because they bathed in the dirty water.... like whattt?? where is she hearing these kind of things? 
5. We were going to teach Greg... but we had no where to teach him, and so we pulled up to Kansenji market, parked the truck, and had a lesson in the back. Yep... definitely felt like I was back up at the vard in high school... weird. But surprisingly it was a really good lesson!!!! 

All in all, Missionary work always brings a smile to my face because i'm either super happy or laughing a lot about the funny thigns that happen. 

Remember... "the key to our greatness is to remember our nothingness without Christ and His Atonement" 

Love you all, 
Sista Thueson

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