This week was amazing as usual!! I should probably start thinking of new ways to start out my emails....
This week it really hit me how much joy I feel as I testify of the truthfulness of this gospel and teaching of the Atonement of Jesus Christ. This week I have been really trying to focus on teaching people and not just lessons. I love teaching the Restoration, and love reciting the First Vision. I love answering people's sincere questions about change and repentance, and I love teaching about the Book of Mormon and how to receive answers to prayers. Everyone should go watch the new Christmas video by the Church... love it! "I am the light of the world... ye are the light of the world!" Let us light the world through service!!
Last week Sister SJ Bennion gave us the commitment to read "Teaching in the SAviors Way" and it really changed my life... Thank you SJ BEAR! I love it's focus on individuals, and preparation, as well as teaching in a way that your students want to go learn the gospel on their own! Truly it is a simplified PMG... but I think everyone of us should read it because we are all gospel teachers. We even had to do a leadership training for all the leaders in all the branches of Lilongwe and we based our whole training off of it, because leaders are simply just teachers. But of course the day after we give the presentation, and taught how important it is to prepare lessons in advance and not just read teh book in front of the class, the RS teacher comes up to me right before RS and tells me that i'm teaching. hahah classic.:)
Well i'll just continue to give you the highlights of each week, but there are so many!!
1. The Abdul family was married and BAPTIZED! They are the humblest and sweetest family in the world. They came so early to their wedding, but because of the leadership training we were all late, but they were so patient with us. Something that I loved about them is they didn't need a big white dress, a cake, a reception or anything, all they wanted was to make it legal so they could enter the waters of baptism. Their baptism was really sweet! They just kept smiling and laughing which is great. Brother Abdul was able to bear a powerful testimony about his conversion from Islam to Christianity.
2. Addiction Recovery. Something amazing that I"ve been able to witness this past couple weeks is helping people with addictions. 3 of our investigators who are progressing very well have an alcohol addiction, they are very open about it and one (George) who came to church this week is even willing to talk about it in front of his mother. They really really want to change, but addictions are traps. We were able to do the 12 steps to addiction recovery and we're hoping and praying that they will be ready for the 24th baptism!!! Our gift back to the Savior.
3. The Godrich family.... finally ACTIVATED:) they are so powerful now and even after our lesson with them on Wednesday they asked, "so who are you teaching now? CAn we come with you?" Love it soooo much.
4. Paul Mwale finished the Book of Mormon!!!
5. Paul Mbewe is already on Jacob!! preparing for baptism on the 11th!!
6. Mpatso and Willard were confirmed members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints:)
1. Paul... there isn't a day that goes by without him making us laugh. This week we showed him the Restoration video and he started quoting the first vision and he turns to us and was like, "you're supposed to have this memorized" sometimes i feel like he is my mission president or something. then after he told us... "I was really hoping to learn 2 GB of information today but I only learned a half GB" This kid kills me.
2. "Sister Thueson .... you're so tall. ARe you trying to be like the Tower of BAbel and reach heaven?" -Stanley Phiri That's a new one.
3. We texted our Recent convert Rose to see if there were gulle wa kullu where she stayed because we had seen some in our area and she replies "don't worry about gulle was kullus... let's go preach the gospel" She is definitely one of my favorites and she always signs her text, "from sister rose and sister doreen" doreen being her 1 year old daughter.
4. Mangos now make me sick... I guess that's what happens when you eat like 3 a day. hahaha
5. Not sure if this is funny or a miracle but my companion got a nice laugh out of it. We are teaching another neighbor to Bro. Mfune and Mpatso. His name is Epna and when we followed up on his prayers if Joseph Smith was a true prophet he said, "YES. AFter you left last time I prayed, and then I just fell asleep and I woke up a couple hours later!! God answered me!!" Okay if that's how God answers you then that's great:)
Anywho love this gospel and love doing the Lord's work! As I said before it brings SO MUCH JOY. let's light the world with love and service:)
Ndimakukondani kwam biri
Sister Thueson